![]() Abilities
The objective
of most performance interventions can be stated in terms of results
or impacts, such as reduced turnover, improved efficiency, reduced
costs, or better quality.
These impacts or results are achieved by closing performance gaps, developing employees to achieve better results, improving process, and removing performance blocks. This also has a reverse causality in that not only does great performance cause impacts, but impacts also cause great performance to continue since people tend to continue behaviors that are perceived to be effective. This two-way flow of causality is known as the zone or flow, that much talked about state of consciousness where the performers are totally focused, energized, and confident. Note that it is not the impact (reward) that causes the behavior, but rather the behavior is used to control the impact (reward). For more information, see Perceptual Control Theory Prove It!Results are one of the main drivers of innovation.
That is, you have to be able to prove that an idea, new process, etc.
actually works in order to maintain your credibility. Nothing destroys
your credibility faster than a business case full of gaping holes.
Thus, trust breeds innovation, communication breeds trust, getting
feedback breeds communication, and feedback helps to "bullet proofs"
In addition, business units that get results are normally seen as an important asset during periods of downward spirals. That is, rather than being seen as a cost center that is seen as "expensive;" you need to be seen as a transformation and strategic center that provides value to the organization. Learning Outcomes (Results)Most often we view results as the final
outcome of an intervention that can easily be measured, such as reduced
costs, customer satisfaction, improved quality, etc. However, often
the results are going to be internal to the targeted individuals.
These are known as learning